New Album April 14 — Save the Date!

I’m very excited to announce that my new record, Great Survivor, will be released on Thursday, April 14th.

Recorded by Heather Kirby in Toronto, the album features talented local collaborators like Jessica Moore (banjo, vocals), Lisa Bozikovic (piano, vocals), James van Bolhuis (drums), Aaron Lumley (double bass) and Julia Collins (violin).

Toronto launch will take place April 14th at the Tranzac Main Hall, featuring *Charms* (Jessica Moore & Gabe Levine) and special guests TBA; Montreal launch is April 20th at Casa del Popolo, with LAL and Matthew Maaskant.

More coast-to-coast tour dates will be announced shortly — see shows page for info, and of course, kindly drop me a line if you’d like to help set up a little something in your town! I’d love that.
